What is a good posture?

Some clinicians call posture the “alignment”. When we say an individual is having a good sitting posture means that individual sits with the pelvis and spine in a straight line with the head balanced over the body, with both hands free to interact with the environment. This is an efficient posture, i.e. it requires the least amount of exertion to maintain.

Why posture is important?

The position of the pelvis is the basis for good sitting posture. If it is tilted to the front, back, or side due to a postural deformity or inadequate support, the muscles in the hips, trunk and neck must work harder to keep the person from falling over. If they are unable to maintain a mid line position this can lead to poor posture.

Improper posture can lead to imbalanced weight distribution which may eventually lead to pressure ulcers and other, sometimes fatal complications.

The Abnormal Posture

In order to maintain a good seated position, the two sides of the pelvis must be level, with the pelvis in minimal anterior pelvic tilt. This enables weight to be taken evenly through both sitting bones (Ischial Tuberosities IT’s) with the head and the spine balanced and aligned above the hips this is considered normal person.

This posture however, is difficult to maintain due to the force of gravity. Postural control requires an effectively functioning neuromuscular and musculoskeletal system; for instance, intact nervous system, healthy muscles, and flexible joints. Some physical and medical conditions can lead to a deterioration of this posture to an abnormal posture


Fixed or Flexible?

An Abnormal posture can be either fixed or flexible and it is vital that your therapist establishes this during your assessment assessment. If the posture is fixed, your therapist can help accommodate this posture using the functions available to the therapist and the chair. This will help to slow down deterioration of this abnormal posture.

If the posture is flexible or partially correctable, your therapist can attempt to correct this posture using the chair. This will bring you into a better seating position and improve their functional ability while preventing or slowing down deterioration of this posture.